Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Secret - Law of Attraction

Nice video to watch about the Law of Attraction.

Video Source :

Here's a link to the longer video (approx 1 hr+).

The above post is brought to you by Melanie Santiago, who enjoys helping people get started on their online journey. Click here to get to know Melanie Santiago better.

Follow the Golden Rule

Last weekend I had a date with my eldest daughter at Mall of Asia in Pasay. As it was too hot to stay outside of the mall, we decided to chill a bit inside FullyBooked where we browsed through several magazines and books. I came across Ethics 101 and found this book really an eye opener. It basically strengthen my belief more that I am in the right path with my decision not to go abroad to earn big for my family, when i read - "People who go for the golden rule .. sacrifices finances for family. People who go for the gold.. sacrifices family for finances".

Below are some part of the book that I really love to share.

"I believe there are two basic faith to achievement a person can choose. You can go for the gold, or you can go for the golden rule" . by John C. Maxwell

The Golden Rule:  "Do unto others, what you want others do unto you."

People Who Go for the Gold
People Who Go for the Golden Rule
Ask, “What can you do for me?”
Ask, “What can I do for you?”
Make convenient decisions.
Make character decisions.
Sacrifice family for finances.
Sacrifice finances for family.
Develop a rationale for their actions.
Develop relationships with their actions.
Possess a “me first” mind-set.
Possess an “others first” mind-set.
Count their dollars.
Count their friends.
Base their values on their worth.
Base their worth on their values.

Join the John Maxwell Team at Receive free daily coaching videos from John C. Maxwell. John is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold over 19 million books.

You may want to watch this video for a Minute with John C. Maxwell.

Hope this helps us in our journey through life. 

The above post is brought to you by Melanie Santiago, who enjoys helping people get started on their online journey. Click here to get to know Melanie Santiago better.